Line-Segment based Trajectory Similarity Measure using Time Warping Technique


Faculty of Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


The most important issue with trajectory analysis is calculating similarity between trajectories. In this paper a novel method for measuring similarity between trajectories based on the cost to match a set of trajectories segments was introduced. The similarity between two trajectories is defined as a minimum cost to match a trajectory to the other one.  For this purpose, the segment based distance was introduced to as a cost of matching two trajectories segments. In addition, the dynamic programming technique is used to implement the time warp method. We performed some experiments to compare the proposed similarity measure with the similar approaches in the application of trajectory classification. The empirical quality of the proposed similarity measure was evaluated on 1-nearest neighbor (1-NN) classification task using 13 publicly available data sets. Compared to the other well-known similarity measures, the proposed method proved to be effective in the considered experiments based on the accuracy of classification.


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