A QoE-Aware MAC Protocol Based on IEEE802.11e


Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


IEEE 802.11e standard that is an extension to IEEE 802.11 leads to Quality of Service (QoS) support in wireless networks. However, this standard does not take Quality of Experience (QoE) in to account for real-time traffic. QoE is used to provide an optimal use of available radio resources in the network, because the satisfaction of some users can be met by the allocation of less resource. Same Contention Window (CW) and Transmission Opportunity (TXOP) for all the users in a service class means paying no attention to the user’s satisfaction and this can waste network resources. This research proposes a mechanism to consider user’s QoE in the resource allocation process of the IEEE 802.11e protocol. This is done by setting the amount of CW and TXOP with the help of the users' feedback of their level of received service satisfaction. WoLF-PHC Multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm is used to optimally set the contention window and TXOP, based on the users' QoE feedback. Simulations results show that the proposed method improves the satisfaction level of the increasing number of network users compared to the standard methods.
