Radar waveform design for increasing accuracy of delay and Doppler estimation of a target based on CRB


Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the problem of waveform design to estimate the delay and Doppler parameters of a target based on the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB). After obtaining the CRBs, the OFDM signal model is used for the waveform design and by minimizing the CRBs two waveforms are obtained. The performance of waveforms is inspected using the Cross Ambiguity Function (CAF) and the Merit Factor (MF) is used for more evaluations. The increase of the MF is equivalent to the increase of the Probability of detection (Pd) of the target. Simulation results show that using the proposed waveforms, the amount of MF increases which is equivalent to decreasing the side lobes in the CAF and increasing the Pd of targets.


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