A Spin Hall Effect-Based Dual Mode Nonvolatile Flip-Flop for Realizing Nonvolatile Computing

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Computer Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (SBUK), Kerman, Iran


In computing circuits, when the voltage source is suddenly cut off, data is lost and calculations need to be performed again. This reduces the speed of calculations and increases power consumption. This issue becomes more important in applications that are powered by batteries such as "Internet of Things". Recently, the use of non-volatile flip-flops in computing circuits has received much attention. In non-volatile circuits that have been proposed so far, a separate backup circuit based on a non-volatile flip-flop is used. This circuit performs data storage on the chip at specific time intervals. But the use of a separate backup circuit ultimately leads to an increase in the total power consumption, the occupied area, and a decrease in the calculation speed. In addition, the backup circuit requires external control signals, which results in increasing the complexity of the system. To solve these problems, in this paper, a double mode non-volatile flip-flop with both simultaneous and asynchronous backup of data is proposed, in which mCell devices are used to realize non-volatile calculations. The proposed flip-flop for backup and recovery operations, has the energy of fJ level and the delay of ps level.


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