Tabriz Journal of Electrical Engineering (TJEE) is a peer-reviewed double-blind and open-access professional magazine which is published quarterly in the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran. It is a Research Scientific Journal (ELMI-PAJOHESHI) and has the permission for publication from the National Scientific Journal Commission under the Office of Policy Planning and Research Affairs of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The accepted papers must pay 6,000,000 Rial as the article processing and publication charge (APC). Before submission, the authors are kindly asked to check the similarity of their manuscript with the literature by iThenticate or Turnitin plagiarism checker software to prevent plagiarism. The similarity of submitted manuscript should be less than 20%.

Tabriz Journal of Electrical Engineering (TJEE) is indexed by Islamic world Science citation Center (ISC) and Google Scholar. The purpose of publishing this journal is the emission of the latest achievements of researchers within all specialized fields of electrical engineering (electronics, power, control, communications, biomedical engineering, computer engineering, information technology, etc.) in order to expand the boundaries of knowledge and technology in this scope. In this context, all researchers, thinkers and initiators are invited to prepare their original research articles in Persian and submit them online through the paper submission system of the journal website.
- Frequency: 4
- Language: English & Farsi
- Electronic ISSN: 2538-3051
- Print ISSN: 2008-7799
- Publication: Electronic
- Review Time: 3 Month
- Types of Peer Review: Single Blind Review
- Average Acceptance Rate: 21%
This journal is a member of committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws.